I was with Lina in Thailand, Indonesia and Boracay, Philippines during the winter 2013. We kitesurfed almost every day for three months, and attended KTA in PranBuri in Thailand. Here is a short video of Lina kitesurfing there.
KommenteraKitesurfing in Boracay - The kitesurf and travel blog
Boracay is a famous tourist destination due to its amazing White Beach. But kitesurfers do know that on the other side of the island is the paradise for kitesurfing, the Bulabog beach. There are always wind, a lot of kitecenters, a lot of professional kiteboarders training tricks, and kind of flat water because of a reef outside the bay. Read all articles about kitesurfing in Boracay here!

Watch out for the kite-eating-killer-ants!
Okay, this is weird. Here at Boracay you can find a type of ant that crawls into the bladder of your kite and eats the rubber from inside. And when you pump the kite, there are hundreds of holes. When you fix 117 holes, and everything works, you put the kite back, and there is […]
Freestyle competition at Boracay Funboard Cup (Pictures)
Yesterday and today the Kitesurfing freestyle competition has been held at Boracay Funboard Cup. Due to bad wind conditions the winner is not yet announced. But at least I have got some images from the competition, be sure to check them out!
Note to self – Palms near the beach are often closer than they seems to be
Have you ever flown your kite into a palm? I have. Today at Bulabog beach in Boracay I realized that the trees are quite close to the shore on high tide. Luckily I was not the only one…
Boracay Funboard cup (Kitesurfing and Windsurfing)
Everything is great here in Boracay. Tomorrow the Boracay Funboard Cup starts, with competitions in both kitesurfing and windsurfing. I am not going to participate, but I might write a report from it, it is one of Asias most known wind- and kitesurfing events, and a whole bunch of pro’s are going to compete.
Inspiration from Boracay by Christian Tio, 11 year old
When being in Boracay you can not miss the small kid Christian Tio riding. He is only 11 years old, but still kitesurfing like a pro. Here is a one year old video of Christian Tio kitesurfing (And he is even better now than in the video):
Downwind kitesurfing from Boracay to Union beach
When you have kitesurfed for a while on the quite crowdy Bulabog beach on Boracay, you might want to enjoy a place with kilometers of flatwater and only maybe 7-8 kites in the air? Then it is time to head to Union beach for a day. And a good way of getting there is to […]
The day of crashing handlepasses
Today I thought I should learn some tricks to blind and some handlepasses, starting with Raley to blind, followed by S-Bend to blind, Flat 3, and Backroll + 360. I could now write a book about how to fail in making handlepasses and blind-riding. I think that everything just failed. But it was fun, and […]
Boracay day 1 – Accomodation and storage for kitegear on the beach
We arrived to Boracay late in the night on Saturday, and went to our place to live straigth away. We are living at English Bakery (Bolabok apartelle,) a quite cheap place near teh kitesurfing beach. When waking up in the morning, we headed to the beach for finding storage for our gear. We headed for […]
Leaving snowy Finland for kitesurfing in sunny Philippines
In a couple of hours we are leaving Finland for some kitesurfing in Philippines for at least one and a half month. It is going to be so awesome! I have been waiting a long time for this.