Every now and then it is nice to check some spots where you are not riding usually. This time it was time for testing some kitesurfing in Naxos. We read on the internet that Mikri Vigla in Naxos is a windy place, and the north-wind is awesome. The wind is best in the summer, but then there is most crowded as well. So we compromised a little and decided to go in May, some weeks before the crowd starts to arrive, but hopefully early enough for it to be windy. Was that such a good idea? No.
Going for kitesurfing in Naxos in May was an un-windy experience
There was no wind at all. We were riding half a day, totally. And we were there for 8 days. At the kite center, they said that it was very unusual with this kind of bad winds, usually, they have wind all year around they said. But last year was the same, there was no wind in May, but then in June, July, August, and September, there was a lot of wind, but also a lot of people.
The story from our kitesurfing trip to Naxos
We arrived in Athens by flight on Thursday. We slept one night in Athens and checked all the boring antique stuff you read about in the history books in school when you were small. Acropolis and shit, you know. Then we took a ferry to Naxos, a Blue Star Ferry, the price was about 33€ per way, and it took about four-five hours and was a pleasant ride in the Greece Archipelago.
When arriving in Naxos we took a taxi to Mikri Vigla, a trip that was 18 km (the longer way. There was another way that was just 8 kilometers as well). Then we checked in at Hotel Orkos Beach, which had the Flisvos kite center in the same building. A perfect place to live in if kitesurfing in Naxos, I think.
Then we stayed there the whole week waiting for the wind. When not windy, we drove scooters in the mountains or rode the free mountain bikes the kite center provided. We climbed some small mountains and visited the Naxos city for some time as well. And eat a lot of food. We windsurfed at the Flisvos windsurfing center in the town once as well, you get a one-hour free windsurfing lesson if you live at the Orkos Beach hotel. And of course, we attended the BBQ-night at the Flisvos Kitecentre on Tuesday.
Then when going home, we just took a taxi back to the town, paid the overprice to the lying driver, jumped on a boat back to Athens, and flew home.

Things I would do in another way if I go for kitesurfing to Naxos again:
- I would NEVER ride a Greek Taxi. The drivers try to get a higher price when you arrive than what they said when the trip started.
- I would have rented a car for the whole week instead, that would have been cheaper than three (3) taxi rides!
- I would not have booked a hotel until I saw the wind forecast. If it looks bad, then just take a ferry to another island where the wind is better. For example to Rhodes.
- Bring a lot less luggage. The bags are freaking heavy when carrying them in the stairs all the time.
- Book a flight to Santorini instead of Athens. It would have taken a much shorter time, and the ferry from there would have been cheaper as well.
Things I would do the same way if I go kitesurfing to Naxos again:
Live at the same hotel, ORKOS BEACH in Mikri Vigla. It was great! The staff was awesome and the position near the kite beach is great. And the Flisvos kite center that was located in the hotel was great.