Susi Mai was in an AD for NP, where a wetsuite was painted on her almost nude body. It is amazing how well the wetsuit turns out, it looks like a real wetsuit even if it is bodypainted. Anyway, here is the video of when Susi Mai was painted when recreating the famous Jenna de Rosnay advertisement.
What! Susi Mai nude? Why?
What do you think about things like this? Do you think that it is appropriate for proffessional athletes to undress just for commercials or ads? In this case it looked like Susi liked to be partly naked, but how far should professionals need to go when sponsors want publicity? What do you think?
Facts about Susi Mai
- Susi is one of the first girls in professional kitesurfing.
- She is riding both freestyle and course racing and has successed quite well in competitions since 2005.
- Born in Germany, raised in the Caribbean.
- More about Susi can be found here on her website.
- Susie Mai Facebook page here