Kiteboard video – Lina kitesurfing in Thailand and Boracay

Kiteboard video – Lina kitesurfing in Thailand and Boracay


I was with Lina in Thailand, Indonesia and Boracay, Philippines during the winter 2013. We kitesurfed almost every day for three months, and attended KTA in PranBuri in Thailand. Here is a short video of Lina kitesurfing there.

Lina kitesurfing in Thailand and Boracay 2013 from Lina Björkskog on Vimeo

Spots in the kitesurfing video

Lina is kitesurfing at three different spots in the video:

  • Bulabog Beach Boracay, Philippines – Nice steady winds, allways windy. Also, allways crowdy and a little choppy.
  • Seco Island, Philippines – Lonely island in the middle of nowhere. Yo did not see land. There were nothing except wind, sun and water. 3 hour boat ride from the mainland.
  • Pak Nam Pran beach, Pran Buri, Thailand.  One of the best kitespots in Thailand. Flat water, but not as windy as we would have liked to.

Girls are getting into kitesurfing now!

In this video, Lina is kitesurfing. Tricks performed are raleys, raley to blind, frontrolls and backrolls, F16, kiteloops, S-bends and Back to toe. There are also some attemtps for back to blind and s-bend to blind. These tricks were the ones that girls usually did in the freestyle competitions in KTA this year, and there have been a lot of improvements in female kitesurfing in the last couple of years now. Girls are starting to ride for real! Check it!

If you feel Swedish today, you could also check out Linas blog about Kitesurfing [Swedish].

3 thoughts on “Kiteboard video – Lina kitesurfing in Thailand and Boracay

  1. Jillian Hobbs says:


  2. Stomptricks says:

    Hey guys, awesome video. Its been added to your list of all the best Raley to Blind tutorials at Click the following link for the definitive page on this trick!

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