Caution kites - The kitesurf and travel blog

All kite brands on Facebook, youtube and Instagram – Get the list here!

All kite brands on Facebook, youtube and Instagram – Get the list here!


As you remember, last year I made a table of the 22 most liked kite brands on Facebook. A lot has changed since that, and now it is time for the new table. This time the table of kite brands is autopdating once a day to stay fresh all the time, this time also with […]

22 kite brands to like on Facebook

22 kite brands to like on Facebook


Have you found your favourite kite brand on Facebook yet? If not, here is a list of all kite brands that I found, ordered by the amount of fans or likes they have right now (25.6.2012). Almost all kitebrands and manufacturers that I could think of has a Facebook page, that is good. Not all […]


Kitesurf travel guides

Have a look at the travel guides for different parts of the world!

Kitesurf travel guides

Check out the history:
